Terms and conditions

By purchasing a licence, schools or trusts (you) accept the following terms and conditions:

1. This is a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence allowing you to access and view the Resources pack of videos and associated material for one year.

2. The licence is exclusively for use at your school or trust: videos may only be used by teachers and in professional development sessions.

3. We do not refund or cancel licences once the licence period has begun.

4. You must not copy, edit, modify, download or otherwise manipulate our content without express prior written permission. For the avoidance of doubt, you may download, but may not modify, the implementation checklists. You may not download any other content within the resource pack.

5. Invoices must be settled promptly and in full. We reserve the right to charge late payment fees, and, where necessary, to restrict your access to the resource pack until full payment has been received.

6. We may change the terms and conditions without prior notice and without your consent.

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